Spirits Brüggemann­Alcohol

From classic to biological to regional: Our wide range of beverage alcohol

The basic char­ac­ter­istics of classic beverage alcohol are its consistent neut­rality and purity. By varying the raw ingredi­ents, specialty beverage alco­hols can be produced which under­score what makes your product special.

Neut­rality and purity are among the basic char­ac­ter­istics of our classic spirit ethanol. By varying the raw ingredi­ents, specialty neutral liquor evolves from the ferment­a­tion process, under­scoring what makes our product special. The distil­la­tion process util­izes different sorts of grain, sugar beet and potato enabling you to continue processing our manu­fac­tured ethanol into various spirits. As a manu­fac­turer, our assort­ment of liquors ranges from classic to regional and up to biolo­gic­ally controlled ethanol.

Product rangeRaw material
Beverage alcoholSeasonal mix, such as grain, sugar beet, potato
Beverage alcohol,
extra-fine filtered
Seasonal mix, such as grain, sugar beet, potato
Witten­berg KornMix of whole grain rye and/or wheat
Witten­berg Wheat­fineSingle-origin whole grain wheat
Witten­berg RyefineSingle-origin whole grain rye
Beverage alcohol made from grainMix of different grains
Beverage alcohol made from potatoeSingle-origin pota­toes
BioPremium WheatUnmixed, certi­fied organic wheat

Beverage alcohol and
Beverage alcohol, extra-fine filtered

Neut­rality and purity are the found­a­tions of our beverage alcohol and our beverage alcohol, extra. Their classic char­ac­ter­istics make both products suit­able for diverse uses in widely varied spirit applic­a­tions.

Seasonal raw material is used for the produc­tion of neutral ethanol. Our liquors are used for the manu­fac­turing of gin, vodka and liqueur. Thanks to its partic­u­larly subtle flavor, our extra fine filtered beverage alcohol is a version of the classic. It meets the high sensory require­ments in a wide range of neutral alcohol, making it well suited for the spirit industry.

  • Beverage alcohol made from a seasonal mix (among others, grains and pota­toes)
  • Beverage alcohol, extra-fine filtered taken from tradi­tional beverage alcohol and rounded off with an addi­tional carbon filter.
Product range4x5l
Beverage alcoholXXXXX
Beverage alcohol,
extra-fine filtered
  • Smaller quant­ities desired? PURIUS® is our classic beverage alcohol and is avail­able from 6 x 1 l bottles

Ques­tions left or more inform­a­tion needed? - We are looking to assist you further!

Witten­berg Korn special­ties

Region­ality and special­iz­a­tion lay the found­a­tion in the alcohol produc­tion of our high-quality Witten­berg Korn special­ties. Thanks to their versatile char­ac­ter­istics and exclus­ivity, the Witten­berg Korn family can be used in classic grain spirits and, moreover, in innov­ative product applic­a­tions. 

Our Witten­berg Korn special­ties are made from whole grains grown in the region around Witten­berg. These liquors for neutral grain spirits include rye and/or wheat as their basis. We manu­fac­ture neutral spirits from rye and wheat of agri­cul­tural origin. In addi­tion, the neutral Witten­berg Korn special­ties are char­ac­ter­ized by the mixture of regional and envir­on­ment­ally friendly procure­ment:

  • Witten­berg Korn is a mix of rye and/or wheat.
  • Witten­berg Wheat­fine is single-origin wheat.
  • Witten­berg Ryefine is single-origin rye
Product range30l
Witten­berg KornXXXX
Witten­berg Wheat­fineXXXX
Witten­berg RyefineXXXX

Our Witten­berg Korn specialist is happy to support you in your choice.


Beverage alcohol made from grain and pota­toes

Label-free and natural describe the char­ac­ter­istics of our beverage alcohol made from grain and pota­toes. Perfect for making classic and aromatic vodka, they also meet the mild and harmo­nious taste require­ments of our customers for making liqueur and spirits.

Thanks to their mild flavours, both products are also primarily used for making vodka. As per EC rules, adding ethyl alcohol from natural sources to vodka requires this to be labelled if the ethyl alcohol comes from raw ingredi­ents other than grains or pota­toes. 

Our beverage alcohol has a natur­ally delicate flavour which, when used in many different spirits, elev­ates it above the classic products.

  • Beverage alcohol from grain (single-origin)
  • Beverage alcohol from pota­toes (single-origin)
Product range30l
Beverage alcohol made from grainXXXX
Beverage alcohol made from potatoeXXXX

Please send us your inquiry - gladly we advise you on your proper selec­tion!

BioPremium Wheat

Biolo­gical controls and certi­fic­a­tion ensure the high quality stand­ards of our BioPremium Wheat. It is used by customers who have made a conscious choice to specialise in the use of certi­fied organic raw mater­ials.

Bruegge­mann’s BioPremium Wheat comes from controlled organic cultiv­a­tion and meets biolo­gic­ally controlled and certi­fied quality stand­ards. Controlled organ­ic­ally grown wheat is fermented and gently distilled after­wards. Our BioPremium Wheat is used by customer companies who consciously specialize in the use of certi­fied organic raw mater­ials in the spirits industry. Due to its prop­er­ties, our organic ethanol is very versatile making it suit­able for organic liqueurs, organic spirits, organic gin and organic vodka.

Are you inter­ested in some­thing special and unique for your spirit? The organic certi­fic­a­tion and make this drinking alcohol unique. Talk to us - we will be happy to advise you! 

Bruegge­man­nAl­cohol is certi­fied organic!


Product range30l
BioPremium WheatXXXX

If you wish to receive further inform­a­tion please do not hesitate to contact us, we are looking forward to receiving your request.

Korn, Gin, Vodka or Liqueur - Bruegge­mann Has the Right Alcohol

Our ethanol can be used for a wide variety of spirits. Feel free to use our product finder to find the right alcohol for your spirit. Click here for our product finder - the advice for your spirit!

Contact persons

Philip Kelber

Sales Manager

Tel.: +49 7131 1575-806

Fax: +49 7131 15 75-888

philip.kelber (at) brueggemann.com

Linda Hegele


Tel.: +49 7131 1575-807

Fax: +49 7131 15 75-888

linda.hegele (at) brueggemann.com