Brüggemann Focuses on Digitalization

Calls via Microsoft Teams, virtual webinars and social media plat­forms – none of the elements is to be disesteemed in the era of digit­al­iz­a­tion. Digital trans­form­a­tion at Brügge­mann, not only in terms of produc­tion and logistic processes but also refer­ring to commu­nic­a­tion.

In terms of internal and external commu­nic­a­tion, digital media are becoming more and more important. Whether homepage, SEO & SEA, social media or content marketing: The aim is to advance the general digital percep­tion of Brügge­mann and to strengthen the brand, espe­cially the employer brand. In addi­tion, through the accel­er­ated digital marketing activ­ities, the exchange with customers and applic­ants should be made more effective, in addi­tion to the important direct, personal contact.

What does a successful digital trans­form­a­tion require? First of all, a tailor-made digit­al­iz­a­tion strategy is required! Brügge­mann decided to set up an inter­dis­cip­linary project team for its Digital Marketing Strategy. Customers, applic­ants, suppliers and the own employees should be reached in new ways and should be able to easily get in touch with the company. A 6-person team - consisting of employees from sales, tech­no­logy, IT and marketing - has been devel­oping the Brügge­mann Digital Marketing Strategy 2021 in a regular jour fixe since October last year. Since each of the colleagues is considered a specialist in his or her field, a value-adding cross-divi­sional exchange took place. In addi­tion, the notice­ably intens­i­fied “community spirit” strengthens the holistic cooper­a­tion between the parent company and the subsi­diary Brüggemann­Alcohol Heil­bronn GmbH, which is also located in Heil­bronn. A very welcome positive side effect!

What actions and chan­nels is Brügge­mann pursuing as part of its new digital marketing strategy?

In order to make networking and employer branding increas­ingly digital in German-speaking coun­tries, Brügge­mann would like to make greater use of the advant­ages of the online plat­forms Xing and Kununu. With a focus on inter­na­tional networking, Brügge­mann uses his LinkedIn account. With the newly estab­lished Instagram account, students have the oppor­tunity to find out more about the wide range of appren­tice­ships at Brügge­mann.

On the Brügge­mann website the afore­men­tioned target groups are to be informed in real time about the company's devel­op­ment, products and plans. Customers are to be offered more varied and simpli­fied ways of contacting the company. Partic­u­larly prac­tical: the "Product Finder" at www.bruegge­man­nal­ - this enables customers to be guided 24/7 to the alcohol quality suit­able for their applic­a­tion.

To ensure that every Brügge­mann employee is promptly informed about upcoming news regarding digital marketing, an internal e-mail news­letter reports on the corres­ponding news and meas­ures. This in turn bene­fits internal company commu­nic­a­tion and strengthens the exchange between depart­ments.

The imple­ment­a­tion of the digital marketing strategy is in full swing at Brügge­mann - follow us on Linkedin, Instagram or our website to stay informed about us, our products and projects!

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