Production facilities of BrüggemannAlcohol 
are running at full speed.

Brüggemann­Alcohol Heil­bronn GmbH and Brüggemann­Alcohol Witten­berg GmbH are contrib­uting to the Corona crisis. 

Alcohol is the main component of disin­fect­ants as the largest ethanol supplier in the German phar­ma­ceut­ical market, Brügge­mann is partic­u­larly chal­lenged in the COVID-19 pandemic.

To make our contri­bu­tion in the crisis, we worked for well over 12 months - main­ten­ance and inter­rup­tion-free, around the clock, seven days a week, at the two loca­tions in Heil­bronn and Luth­er­stadt Witten­berg.

Almost all major disin­fectant manu­fac­turers are among Brügge­mann's customers – as well as small and medium-sized disin­fectant produ­cers including hospitals and phar­ma­cies.

Our main goal during the last months and still is to deliver all our existing and system­ic­ally relevant customers reli­able, fast and flex­ible.

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